Apple releases iPad Pro with Apple Pencil Stylus

Well, the big day is here. Apple is releasing the iPad Pro, with a larger screen and features like multitasking is here! It will have more speed as well as features like multitasking and a split screen, similar to Android tablets such as the Galaxy Note. The iPad Pro will have a 12.9-inch diagonal screen with 5.6 million pixels. Now that’s resolution! It will start at $799.

Here’s a look at the new, $99 Apple Pencil Stylus.

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About Vicky

I'm an author and illustrator who has used drawing tablets since the early days. I love how flexible and forgiving they make everything. I'm also fascinated by the technology. I started this site to bring knowledge to everyone. I want this to be the only place you need to go to learn about drawing tablets.

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