Duet Display app turns iPad into “Cintiq” for Mac or Windows

Duet Display turns iPad into a “Cintiq” for Mac or Windows

Like the Astropad app, Duet Display is an app, created by former Apple engineers, that turns your iPad or iPhone into an input device or second monitor, and it’s now made for both Mac and PC. It works without lag because uses a USB connection rather than Wi-fi. (you can use your Lightning Connector to USB).

First, you download it to your Mac or Windows PC from the Duet Display site, then go to the iTunes store to download the app for iPad. It works with all iPads running iOS7 and up, and all Mac and Windows computers (laptops and desktops) running OS X 10.9 or Windows 7 and later (though I have written them to get clarification on whether it’s OK for Windows 10 as their site says 8.1, so I will update this post after I hear back). Apparently, using a Retina MacBook with it can spike CPU usage.

You can still use graphics tablets and Cintiqs attached to the computer at the same time.

With the Duet, the iPad still won’t give you pressure sensitivity or palm rejection unless you use certain drawing styluses and apps; these use Bluetooth.

More info at duetdisplay.com.


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About Vicky

I'm an author and illustrator who has used drawing tablets since the early days. I love how flexible and forgiving they make everything. I'm also fascinated by the technology. I started this site to bring knowledge to everyone. I want this to be the only place you need to go to learn about drawing tablets.

4 thoughts on “Duet Display app turns iPad into “Cintiq” for Mac or Windows

  1. Filip Moerman

    I Use photoshop ps6 on a macbook pro 15″ and a wacom intuos 5 S tablet to do my editing. the idea for buying the duet display was to expand my workspace on my Ipad, in order to keep my screen free from the “tools”. it works with the trackpad and mouse . But as soon as I start using the tablet and move over the ipad, my cursor stops at the very left side of the screen. Meaning, I can’t use my tablet together with the duet display??
    please advise

  2. Jacob

    A clarification on the remark of a lack of pressure sensitivity with this setup: you don’t lose any of the features of an iPadPro when used this way, right? This would be a winning combo for me–pairing an iPad Pro with a MacBook Pro. Use the iPad standalone as a sketchbook, then plug it into the MacBook for more serious Photoshop composites where I need the full power of the desktop app.



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